MKE Week 9 – A View from My Eleven Month Old World

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Category:  Week Nine


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5 Reflections from Week 9 in the Master Key Experience:
Bonus: New (to me) Word

1. Corpus Callosum – Is a bridge serving as a conduit allowing information to transmit from one hemisphere of the brain to the other. Instead of believing the lie we’ve been taught… the one regarding the Left Brain and Right Brain personality nonsense, I’m intrigued to see how I dance with my Left and Right Brain as I embrace Whole Brain awesomeness.

2. Master Key System Week 9:17 – I figuratively glowed as I read this masterpiece of a sentence for the first time. Fascinated with how I could apply this concept as I continue my quest to better myself 1% each day:

Lincoln is said to have begotten in all who came near him the feeling awakened when one approaches a mountain, and this sense asserts itself most keenly when one comes to realize that he has laid hold upon things that are eternal, the power of Truth.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 9:17

3. An affirmation for the books. “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.” First time I read this affirmation, I thought “do these seven words fit with the 7 chakras or energy centers?

Let’s see how it matches up:

  1. Whole = Crown Chakra – makes delicious sense to me. Done and dusted…
  2. Perfect = Third Eye Chakra – Makes me think of Matthew 5:48 – “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” A verse to aspire to.
  3. Strong = Throat Chakra – To pursue the ideal of my voice as strong is a finessing that sends chills.
  4. Powerful = Heart Chakra – I recently heard that the Heart is not a Pump. The Heart instead is “the orchestrator of the energy of the world coming in, creating a structuring of physical substance…and that creates life,” from a prominent MD. How powerful is that?
  5. Loving = Solar Plexus – If my will is loving… then… as Haanel states in Week 9:3: love is “the first essential necessary to the happiness of mankind.”
  6. Harmonious = Sacral Chakra – Money, Sex, Power, Emotions, Feelings, Boundaries. If those are in harmony… we certainly have a magickal symphony going on here…
  7. Happy = Root Chakra – I like this match very much as here is where the momentous significance of my Definite Major Purpose, the tap root of what we are doing here, comes to play.

4. There are NO common people. We all have that greatness within. Embracing the reminder.

5. I am Eleven Months Old – The miraculous idea that we regenerate our whole body every eleven months is beyond wonderful. I am delighted that my Red Circle affirmation celebrates youthful thinking as a creative legacy. This concept feels like a good fit.


Permutation (n) a way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a set or number of things can be ordered.

Blessings to you on this week of Thanksgiving.

Meet Marie Ruzicka

Catalyst for Joy, International Transformational Storyteller, and Champion of Celebrations and Appreciations. Marie guides those with ears to hear to reconnect with their Genius and the path of least resistance to Wealth…in ALL WAYs. ~ Marie Ruzicka (pronounced Roo.ZEEE.ka)

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  • I enjoyed reading your blog Marie. I liked how you linked the newest affirmation to the 7 chakras. Well done. I also liked how you added the words we’ve bee learning and their definitions. It made these words more meaningful to me. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Awesome blog! I really liked how you laid it out, explained it made the connections! Congratulations!

  • I especially liked your observation connecting the affirmation involving 7 positive feelings and the 7 chakras, Marie! 🙂

  • Way to be the observer, Marie, and see how the material is reinforced in many applications and in other settings. Thank you for sharing.

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