The affirmation I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy is seen as a scientific fact. A statement of truth. Understanding and recognizing the truth of it all is a key to self-mastery and manifestation.
The power of affirmations in transformation and creating prosperity, abundance and healing of the individual and humanity and even the planet is truth as well. Interestingly I have used affirmations to effect change in my life many years. With great, marginal and indifferent levels of success.
So as Andrews states and as it is known the same way today, you create an affirmation to fit your particular needs or better yet your desires at the time. It is also stated in the Blueprint Builder, Haanel and elsewhere that there has to be repetition, persistent effort and continuous action towards the attainment of the object that is desired.
So, looking at the times where I have had great success in changing my condition or effects my life if you will is when I had this high level of commitment. This persistent action that allows the words to sink into my conscious mind and that mysterious mind that does what is does even in ways that I don’t understand, as stated in the Greatest Salesman. Other times I can’t say I didn’t have commitment it must not have had the continuous and persistent effort that would allow it to operate effectively.
The Big Book says, “Half measures availed us nothing,” so, there you have it. You either must go all in or be prepared to not succeed as Haanel said clearly in a earlier chapter. You either have forward motion or backward motion. It’s like riding a ten-speed bicycle and coasting, the centrifugal force starts the pedals going backwards.
Here we go again just a stream while having thought that the lead in was going to take me in the direction of talking about seeing people in their Spiritual Perfection, since it is all spirit. Kinda of in the way the Mandingo talks of seeing the people with love. I do think it is cool that I can focus on a phrase of something and just flow.
After reading your blog, I’m left with the image of braiding sweetgrass, in that we each are the culmination of our highest take-aways, from many voices, over the time we’ve spent on this earth. The magick comes from how we weave them together. Lovely weaving this week…
This is great! I’m sure you. like me, have read many books on the key to self-mastery and manifestation without any results. I love what this course does by forcing us to read and do mental exercises over months to reprogram the subby. It’s amazing!
Hi Michael, Yes, persistent effort and continuous action can bring the desired result. Your doing great.