MKE Week 9 – Are We There Yet?

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Category:  Week Nine


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This course continues to have a massive positive effect on my thoughts and actions. Seemingly small and sometimes questionable actions add up to keep a person on track toward their goals.

Learning how the many ways of input into the subconscious that we have already been doing but didn’t know the why has been made clear this week. The colours, the shapes, yikes. It all adds up!

One recent example is yesterday. My partner has had a cold on and off for two weeks. In the spirit of thanksgiving she has shared this with me, and not charging me a cent : )

Because of this I was not feeling great and normally I would use this as an excuse to not do certain kinds of work – particularly work that required intense focus. IN this case it was my bookkeeping.

I am coming up on my year end. I normally would have put off doing this work but the ‘mantra’ of ‘do it now “ ‘do it now’ is so embedded in my brain now that I just started doing it.

I have already noticed this particular effect many times but this time it ended up myself doing a critical piece of work. I was also amazed just how focused I would become.

I also had another very profound experience during one of our groups zoom calls. One of the participants was expressing what I seemed to me some very vulnerable thoughts about her own weaknesses.

This was in the context of how we become addicted to peptides in our brain that are actually the result of negative emotions and thought patterns.

I just had the thought “maybe I do that’ and suddenly I could SEE a very deep part of myself which I always had interpreted as ME as part of my basic structure,

It has to do with my introverted tendency but I saw that this was just a very small overlay which was really NOT me and was filtering my true more active and more effective expression.

The thing that impressed me about this is that I have meditated and released false impressions and thoughts for decades and never saw anything so deep and profound in myself.

And here in a friendly chat among the group I experience something so revealing. Anyway, I continue to do the exercises, do the ‘work’ and enjoy the rewards.

Meet Randy Fritz

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  • It is great that you seen this part of you Randy and even more amazing that it happened in a small group mastermind. Shoes the importance of a mastermind group. Keep up the great work. You got this!

  • Congratulations Randy! It sounds like you have had a few, “A-ha!” Moments. I agree with you, the habits we are developing seem simple and and yet they are creating the most profound understanding and change within. Oo, thats good, im going to put it in my Blog. lol This is really getting fun isn’t it!? It sounds like your having great discussions in your group zoom too! I haven’t been able to make it to one yet, and now i really feel like ive missed out. Enjoy the rest of the process and happy holidays to you!

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