MKE Week 9 – Giraffe Growth

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Category:  Week Nine


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This week offered different perspectives. With travel which included family members that I haven’t seen for almost a year, I had the opportunity to be the giraffe; view my interactions from a different perspective. My view of the airport, people traveling, Uber driver, even scenery in this part of the country and my return home. It was Giraffe Growth!

This ‘Growth’ also manifested in my reading of Part 9. As a fitness professional I have always hoped, encouraged, and inspired others. Sometimes wanting it more for them than they did.

Yet, when I read, 9:24 “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.”, I with visualization, 9:25 “Not only [could] I affirm it for myself, but for others that I knew needed it.”

I realized in these words and those on visualization, I have the “I” in me to connect, 9:14 “with the Universal Mind, which is all substance, and is Omnipotent, will assist [me] in bringing into operation the law of attraction which will bring [me] into vibration with those forces which make for success and bring about conditions of power and affluence in direct proportion with the character and purpose of [my] affirmation.

Being on this Hero’s Journey – Giraffe Growth – is having me come to ‘Know Thyself’ in a way I never imagined.

Just “Wow”!

Meet Debra White

DJ is a Gifted Results Oriented Fitness Professional Who Enhances Physical and Mental Well Being Mastery. As one who transitioned from Corporate America to Health and Wellness, she supports others through similar transformations, their own Hero’s Journey.

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  • Wonderful, Debra! I love the idea of a Giraffe Growth and Giraffe Perspective. I course a giraffe would have a different perspective, and so can we when we look at things differently. Good for you:)

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