MKE Week 9 – Looking Back

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Category:  Week Nine


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As we start MKE (Master Key Experience) Week 9, I am doing a look back at a couple of things that came up with me last week very strongly.

I noticed toward the end of the week I was really falling into destructive thoughts and negative predominant mental attitude.

Any time I was NOT working or engaging with others I listened to the personal subliminal audios I made. When time permitted I listened and walked the dog.

Each audio track included a vocal track of various things being listened to, ambient calming music to remove negative thoughts, and a theta subliminal track to make the subconscious more receptive.

The different tracks included vocal tracks of my DMP (definite major purpose), Blue Print Builder, Guy in the Glass, revised scroll 2 from Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World, and Charles Haanel’s The Master Key System, part 8.

For this week I am adding audio tracks of my cards as well the new Haanel part 9.

These audios are what I have determined keeps me more positive. But my mind tends to wander to negative thoughts when NOT listening to these audios. My thoughts are with enough listening time that my predominant thoughts should shift to positive and less destructive thoughts.

Master Keyers have a great week!

Michael of the Uplifters!

Meet Michael Harder

Currently work as Senior Information Technology (IT) professional – Systems Engineer. Business experience includes Banking, Insurance, IT Outsourcing and Telecommunications industries. Born in Japan and now reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Other than work, self improvement, and doing spiritual work, I enjoy working out the gym by throwing my own private dance party. 

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  • Hi Michael, Your journey of self Affirmation is an ongoing process of self discovery, You are doing well. Thank you for sharing.

  • Your post made me think of the part of Scroll 2 in The Greatest Salesman that reads:

    “Adversity and discouragement beat against my new shield and becomes as the softest of rains. My shield protects me in the marketplace and sustains me when I am alone. It uplifts me in moments of despair and calms me in times of exultation. It becomes stronger and more protective with use until one day I cast it aside and walk unencumbered among all manners of men and, when I do, my name is raised high on the pyramid of life.”

    Thank you for sharing your journey.

  • Hi Michael! It seems that you are realizing how your thoughts are changing as the cement of your past blueprint starts to come off. This is a significant first step towards change. Although it may take some time to get rid of the old cement completely, your ability to shift your thoughts is a major breakthrough. Congratulations!

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