MKE Week 9 – Sending Love

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Category:  Week Nine


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I have found this to be a challenging week for me. Have had some seriously challenging things happen in my workplace. I have been doing my best to send love to some hard to deal with personalities.

My closest fellow leaders have been stressed and overwhelmed with workload and managerial demands so supporting them has been draining. I am doing my best to stay on top of my negative thoughts and not buy into the negative talk surrounding me. It is that line of being supportive but not following them down their path.

The theme of this week has been about staying with the energy and protecting my own.

Meet Cheri Naslund

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  • We all need to protect ourselves from the world around us sometimes Cheri and the best part is you now have the tools to do just that and by the sounds of it you were successful. Congratulations!

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