As most of us get ready to celebrate with loved ones during this Holy Day Season, Haanel reminded me of a common toast. I am of Hispanic heritage and it is customary to clink glasses and toast by saying in Spanish “Salud, Dinero, y Amor”. This literally translates to Health, Wealth (money) and Love, which Haanel describes:
The three things which all mankind desires and which are necessary for his highest expression and complete development are Health, Wealth, and Love.
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 9:2
I feel that they work together to bring about the best life ever. It is with gratitude to my ancestors that I toast all of you. Know that by the pursuit of these three desires we are able to express excellent life experiences in accordance with universal law or principle.
Further along in the text Haanel talks about Truth with a capital T. I believe Truth is what resonates with me when reading this wonderful book. Truth is principle, it is absolute, and it is unchangeable. It comforts me to know that I can depend on Truth.
It is something that is reliable and unmovable thus centering me and bringing me into inner alignment. When I go within and align with principle, my world without is in harmony. Truth does indeed set me free; free to be the person I intend to be.
In the final portion of this week’s reading was wonderful. I love meditating on nature and what a beautiful focus point, a flower.
This week visualize a plant, like a flower, the one you most admire, bring it from the unseen into the seen.
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 9:32
We were asked to see it evolve from a seed growing its roots down into the earth, to it breaking through the ground, developing stem and leaves, to becoming a bud, then opening into a full blossom.
Visualizing this entire process gives me evidence of the intelligence of life that is present in every living cell, whether it be plant, animal, or human.
I was reminded of my meditation in the rose garden where I was visited by my hummingbird friend. “See the beauty” was her message. I find it amazingly beautiful that we are all a result of Divine Intelligence that is the very essence of all life on this magnificent planet.
Have a joyous day of gratitude everyday!
Carmen, what a wonderful place to do “Sits”. I love to be in the garden! Humming birds are fun to watch.
Fun fact! The only animal that flies backwards. Scientists studied it to develop helicopters!
lovely post Carmen. see the beauty 💕
What a beautiful post, thank you.
Your reflections on Week 9 resonate with such kindness and peace. The way you connect the traditional toast to Health, Wealth, and Love with Haanel’s teachings is inventive and insightful. Your belief in Truth as something reliable and unmovable reflects your clear perspective and balanced mindset.
Meditating on nature, especially the beautiful focus on a flower’s evolution, showcases your patience and even-tempered nature. The reminder of your meditation in the rose garden with the hummingbird is truly touching. Your words radiate acceptance and gratitude. Wishing you joyous days of gratitude every day!
Beautiful blog Carmen. I also resonate with the deep meaning of the words Truth and Divine Intelligence. Thanks for sharing your insights with us!