Week 9 was fun as I recall. It started off as a little bit of science class with Mark teaching us what the Left Brain and the Right Brain are responsible for and how to get them working together.
Now that we have had that class, I am obsessed now when I rewatch the polos that I send, to see which way my eyes look as I try to recall whatever it is that I am talking about. LOL
The other part of Week 9 was the colors and shapes and tricking the sub conscious. I didn’t understand the concept at first but I get it now. We were previously to create Red Circles, Blue Rectangles, Yellow Squares and Green Triangles, cut them out (YAY going back to kindergarten) and write smart goals on them. with dates.
Now, in week 9, we are to leave just one shape without the goal and date so that Subby picks up the difference and fills it in. It’s like making sure that Subby is paying attention! Thanks Mark!
I Always Keep My Promises! – Todd Armstrong
Indeed, the subconscious can be a tricky thing, Todd. Better we trick it in our favor instead of it tricking us into something we don’t want. Thanks for the share!