Que principios y leyes hemos aprendido hasta ahora. Aprendimos la importancia de la concentración, la aplicación de tener conciencia y práctica para acceder a la manifestación de la realidad que deseamos. Hay que mantener la mente enfocada y aplicar estos principios
Week nineteen: Learn How to easily overcome fear...
We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.
Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.

Reflections on Week nineteen
Thoughts are cause and conditions the effect. The way to overcome fear is to become conscious of our power.
Separation is an illusion - there are sizes, colours, shades or ends to all things. There is a North Pole and a South Pole, an inside and an outside, but these expressions serve to place extremes in contrast. These are not separate entities, but,
are two parts of the whole.
The only choice that makes any sense is to concentrate very clearly,
only on what we want.
arlene laskey
mke certified guide
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