MKE Week 19 – F.E.A.R or POWER – Which Do You Choose for Soaring Ahead!?

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Category:  Week Nineteen


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Fear is a powerful form of thought. It paralyzes the nerve centers, thus affecting the circulation of the blood. This in turn paralyzes the muscular system, so that fear affects the entire being, body, brain, and nerve, physical, mental, and muscular.

The Master Key, Charles Haanel Pt 19

So as we can see the chemical from F.E.A.R. (or False Evidence Appearing Real), has a multi-level effect on our entire being, almost rendering us frozen and therefore making it more difficult to excel and move forward in our task or mission at hand.

We are all human and without exception, from time to time, experience these unpleasant chemicals, enduced by feelings of fear, course throughout our bodies and mind. This can occur for some people, to more of an extent than for others, and of course depending on our given, and forever changing circumstances.

So how can we best deal with these feelings and thoughts of fear, and transmute them into positive vital energy?

Of course the way to overcome fear is to become conscious of power.….and that by complying with the laws and principles by which it is governed, we can open ourselves to a more abundant inflow of this vital energy, and thus express the highest possible degree of mental, moral, and spiritual efficiency.

The Master Key, Charles Haanel, Pt 19

I am so grateful that we’ve been given and continue to be given more and more wonderful tools in our Master Key Experience course to help us overcome such obstacles as fear itself, turn things around, and tap into our Power.

One example would be the defined list of the Seven Laws of the Mind: (Law of Substitution; Law of Relaxation; Law of Practice; Law of Forgiveness; Law of Dual Thought; Law of Subconscious; & Law of Growth)…for one.

Any and all of those laws have aided me and many others, in turning fear into Power! The Seven Day Mental Diet is another tool…this one is gives us permission to take a break from negative thoughts, and only think positive thoughts, quite refreshing!

Then we have our “5 Daily Habits of the Compound Complex Progression” (a. 3 Gratitudes, b. 2 Random Acts of Kindness, c. Mini-journal note of positive experience of the day, d. Exercise, & e. Sit – mediation).

A new tool this week that we’re covering in our course, is how by taking 2 minutes a day to physically step into a power pose, i.e. like a Wonder Woman stance, or hailing the heavens with our arms outstreched, etc. will indeed transform our mental and emotional negativity, into a positive vital charge!

Whereas before, I may have spent more time ruminating in the unpleasant and uncomfortableness of fear, now, using these amazing tools, I take more of an active role in transmuting that energy into Vital Life Force, the highest possible degree of mental, moral, and spiritual efficiency! This enables me to continue soaring forward towards my goals, dreams, and mission.

I am Nature’s Greatest Miracle. I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise.

The Greatest Salesman, Og Mandino, Scroll IV

I Always Keep My Promises,


Meet Sherry Beall

Sherry loves people, mamma earth. adventure, and traveling. Her friends and family are some of her most precious treasures!!

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