MKE Week 19 – Fear

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Category:  Week Nineteen


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I wanted to share for week 19 the major thing that came up for me was cost of fear and recognizing the level of fear I grew up in.

When week 19 started I started realizing that the environment I grew up in was very fearful. So, for me this was just the way things are. I liken this to how we rationalize how a fish is unaware of water but it is all around them.

I discovered the same thing for myself, my parents had fear that they probably picked up from the environment they were raised.

Then during week 19 I moved onto realizing how the environment cost my parents and me and my brother in lost opportunities. From my perspective I limited much of what I did with my life to safe things.

I was very fortunate in week 19 to work with a non master key mastermind partner that helped me first recognize the level of fear or terror involved in many situations. The level of fear was at a phobic level. So, was very much ingrained in my negative and positive belief system in who I thought I am.

In a nutshell I was able to move to being the observer from my highest self and seeing how debilitating some of my negative and positive beliefs about who I thought I am.

Next I was able to remove parts of these belief systems to see my true self.

I am still remembering more and more of my true self in week 21.

Master Keyers have a great week!

Michael of the Uplifters!

Meet Michael Harder

Currently work as Senior Information Technology (IT) professional – Systems Engineer. Business experience includes Banking, Insurance, IT Outsourcing and Telecommunications industries. Born in Japan and now reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Other than work, self improvement, and doing spiritual work, I enjoy working out the gym by throwing my own private dance party. 

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  • It is liberating to be our true selves. Fear can be real or imagined. You recognize your fear and handle it well.

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