MKE Week 19 – I AM Suppose to Be Here

Read More Posts by Roxie Fransway-Greening 

Category:  Week Nineteen


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Before I saw the TED Talk with Amy Cuddy, I noticed my posture at my desk as I was leaning to the left while making dials so it straightened up a bit with intention. Then I watched the video about posturing and boy did that open up the energy channels!

I combined it with the Mind Gym which I studied a while back as Brain Gym. The idea was that crossing the mid line can correct a connection in the brain. Studies showed that children who did not crawl as a child, had greater trouble reading and of course, with the exercises that crossed the mid line (knee to elbow) were able to catch up.

I used it on students I was tutoring with fabulous results. But I had quit using that information until now. What a great rediscovery! My brain thanks you.

Even with all this great information over the years, I had lost my way. Through this Master Mind Key Experience I have more energy and joy than ever. Life has a purpose. What a peace of mind.

Meet Roxie Fransway-Greening

You may call me a proud mother or Mimi, an extraordinary gold and silver distributor, a really joyful nature buff, or a lover of humanity. All are true. Radiance be the journey.
Thank you! Roxie

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  • Thanks for sharing this, Roxie. I had heard that about crawling as well. Now I am thinking that my grandson is a great crawler, so should do well with reading, lol.

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