MKE Week 19 – The Old Blueprint Still Likes to Fight Back

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Category:  Week Nineteen


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I’d love to say that this journey has been a piece of cake but I can’t.

The hardest part has been taking a deep look inside to see who I REALLY am, not who I think I am, and who do I REALLY want to become.

I thought at the outset that writing my Definite Major Purpose (DMP) would be a simple task. Cut and dried. One and done.

I started to realize that my DMP is really a living document. It’s subject to change as my thinking evolves and becomes more refined.

It isn’t as easy as I once thought. I find that it requires deep thought and introspection.

The hardest part has been telling myself the truth and changing the blueprint.


Meet Charlie Zigmund

Thanks for stopping by! I'm a Successful Entrepreneur in Global Business Development utilizing Network Marketing and Direct Sales. I hope you find something here that may help you on your journey.

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