They say there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
I was traveling to a funeral and I saw a beautiful rainbow and we were travelling in the direction it was formed. A thought came to mind – I may get to the end of the rainbow.
While in the cemetery, I noticed hundreds of headstones. In between each date of birth there were dashes before the date of death. I did not know the life they lived. But I was drawn back to the rainbow, did they reach their pot of gold? Would some, all or any of them have wanted to trade their pot of gold for one more day? Did anyone want another 86,000 seconds?
As I marvelled at the size of the cemetery, and the amount of headstones I thought about my life!
I cannot go back, yesterday is buried, however I have a chance to learn from, not mourn, the errors of yesterday. I have a chance to chip away, weed my garden of life, install a new blueprint. Why? because I have been given another day, a free pass and the rainbow is a reflection of my journey.
At the end of my rainbow is my bliss and all the colours I use to create my pyramid of success. And I am feeling blessed working towards it, moving towards it and claiming it.
Thanks for sharing your inspirational blog Sandra. Cheering you on as you continue to find your bliss, and the colours that add diversity to your pyramid of success, at the end of the rainbow. 🌈
Cheering you on Sandra as you continue to embrace your Hero’s Journey!