Semana Uno: Comienza la nueva aventura...

Nos embarcamos en un viaje para aprender cómo aumentar nuestra conciencia para alcanzar posibilidades que antes no sabíamos que existían.

Únase a nosotros en una aventura para descubrir su yo futuro, aclarar cómo quiere que sea su vida y planificar la acción para lograrlo. 

Reflexiones sobre la primera semana 

¡El comienzo del viaje hacia el Master Key System de Haanel ya está aquí! En la Lección Uno aprendemos que hay dos mundos: el mundo exterior, que refleja las condiciones del segundo, el mundo interior.

A medida que nos sumergimos en la Lección Uno, comenzamos a pensar en cómo pensar y en cuánta influencia podemos tener en las circunstancias de nuestras vidas cuando pensamos de manera decidida y constructiva. 

Nancy Ottinger

guía maestra de mke


Sumérgete y navega...

Te animamos a leer, comentar y compartir estas publicaciones a menudo con tus amigos para que todos puedan experimentar la emoción y el entusiasmo de nuestra comunidad.

Nuestras últimas publicaciones

Day Boswell

October 4, 2024

Accepting and celebrating life is a beautiful thing. Remember the Borg of Star Trek? They said – “Resistance is futile!” But resistance is often the way we choose. It’s our problem orientation of fixing and repairing ourselves, life and other people.

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Veronica Tellez-Giron

June 20, 2024

Hola, Hola, Estoy muy agradecida por este proyecto nuevo en mi Vida, La Llave Maestra, me emociona mucho saber que voy a aprender a reprogramarme y lo recibo con mucho amor. El leer el primer pergamino y la primera leccion me

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Luisa Ortiz

June 8, 2024

Hace 6 años comenzó mi camino en el crecimiento personal, han sido muchos los aprendizajes a lo largo de este tiempo, mucha información, poca práctica y también muchas dudas. El sistema de LA Llave Maestra ha venido a revolucionarlo todo, leer

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Angel Carmona

June 8, 2024

A través de toda mi juventud siempre que conocí a alguien que es exitoso(a), me pregunte si esta persona es más inteligente que los demás ó simplemente tubo la suerte de nacer en un hogar al que no le falto nada.,

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Maria Pena

June 3, 2024

Esta es la primera semana del curso del sistema de la llave maestra y ya me siento lleno de miedo y dudas. He escuchado historias de éxito, y no sé si seré capaz de manejar el compromiso y la responsabilidad que

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Lynn Marysh

January 17, 2024

This is one book that was never mentioned by my prior mentors. If it was, it wasn’t emphasized in any way. The Greatest Salesman is another I’ve never heard of. There is so much knowledge from great sages – I’m blessed

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Chrislyn Benjamin

December 23, 2023

The initial MKE session was quite intense, encompassing various elements like the cards, the Blueprint, and the book “The Greatest Salesman in the World,” along with daily reinforcement and a structured plan. After the session, and even though I had watched

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Shannon Northman

November 15, 2023

So, this is the first week of the Master Key Experience and it has been a bit of a challenge embracing this new way of doing things. I have had to put away the old way of doing things and the

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Miranda Mayekiso

November 3, 2023

I was ready to begin but I experienced a lot of technical issues. I am running around asking what is cache? How do I remove it? In my heart all I want to do is get in my back office because

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Bernhard Salgueiro

October 28, 2023

What have I got myself into? Going back to school at 65, with a few weeks after everyone else. I tell myself, well just roll up your sleeves and get to it. My inner voice says I don’t have time, it’s

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David Smith

October 27, 2023

I have been all over the place this week, mentally, emotionally and even financially. I got super excited about NWM with some more recent light bulbs of information that made so much sense like recruiting for the purpose of getting to

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Isabel Guayta

October 20, 2023

I am very thankful to be apart of this mastermind group. Ready to learn, to grow, to change my old programming and acquire new habits. This week unfortunately wasn’t very productive. I missed the Live zoom due to my daughter’s birthday

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Tarsha Burton

October 15, 2023

I recently learned that triggers are issues that not have been dealt with and that discomfort is a manifestation of mistrust.  Knowing this I’ve been striving to let go of fear, mistrust and to incorporate better discernment, to have the life

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Charito Canero

October 13, 2023

This week has felt like an enormous amount of tasks to integrate in an already busy schedule. Learning now that that the gaps of time that is not serving me can be used to create a state of being that is

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Suzanne Betts

October 13, 2023

I took this course three years ago and I really enjoyed forming good habits. I am proud to say that I never missed a read three times a day and always did my meditation for 15 minutes for the whole 24

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Pamela Romei

October 13, 2023

The last time I took a college course was in 1973. Wow! That’s 50 years!! Somehow 5 decades have passed and I have not had the nerve to imagine I could succeed in doing college level coursework. This time LAST year,

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Le enviaremos actualizaciones ocasionales por correo electrónico y le avisaremos con antelación las fechas de registro para que
no se lo pierda.  
