MKE Week 1 – Are you kidding?

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Wow, wow, wow; after all these years, too many to count, I’m essentially back in school.

I’m very excited about this experience, but also somewhat terrified. When I say terrified, it’s because I’m not very organized and get distracted easily. There was a lot of stuff thrown at us this past Sunday, which put me in a little bit of a panic.

My desk is a mess with notes everywhere of what and when I have to do things, not only to maintain the scholarship, but also if I really want this to work. I should have mentioned this at the beginning; my color is yellow.

With that being said, this would be going a lot smoother if there were printable checklists with all the daily requirements already listed with little boxes that I could check off as I accomplish things. I guess when we were told to think about this experience as going back to school, they didn’t mean second or third grade! LOL

I am grateful for this scholarship and look forward to my great results. I have been in the Standing Tall and Color Code trainings for the past 3 months, and it has made a huge difference in all aspects of my life already.

The party has already started, and I’m DANCING BABY!!! I might be dancing like Elaine on Seinfeld, but I’m dancing!

Meet Pedro Ayala

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  • Great start Pedro. Feels like the first grade all over again, but with more at stake because of more wisdom and experience to build on, and an equal amount of baggage to get rid of. I’m dancing all the way to the dumpster with you!

  • Great blog Pedro. I enjoyed reading it. I can surely relate to it. Looking forward to read your next blog.

  • Thanks for sharing. I have been through the MKE a few times. It will greatly change your life for the better. One thing I did with my blog was to turn it into a learning note book for me and my family. It is amazing what it did for my life. Best of Wishes. Michael

  • Pedro, we will figure this out all together! Kinda like line dancing! Thanks for sharing what us newbies were thinking 😉

  • Terrific post Pedro! You perfectly articulated what each of feels week 1 of the MKE. You got this!

  • Great blog Pedro. Your thoughts and comments are things I’m thinking!! It’s amazing all the stuff we are getting and required to figure it out on our own even tho it’s been pretty well explained!! We choose our thoughts/methods NOW and dance!!

  • Pedro, it is great to hear that you are having fun! Sounds like you are already applying the knowledge. As you organize, I hear that you recognize the tasks that are ahead of you, and that they are under your control. The power appears to be from within to take on new projects. Applying the studies that you mentioned, successful outcomes are bound to appear. Congratulations, have the best time ever!

  • Great job recognizing how to get organized. I have done some college work in the past and this has me scrambling! Sooo worth it though.

  • Love this! Amazing testimony and mirrors my feelings. thank you for being in this journey with all of us and for sharing.

  • Hi Pedro, I’m sure you will have it all organized and flowing smoothly in a few weeks…it’s good to hear you dance to celebrate your success

  • Pedro, your YELLOW gifts are so wonderful…I appreciated the grin you gave me when you said “I guess when we were told to think about this experience as going back to school, they didn’t mean second or third grade! LOL.” There is an older app called Master Key you can download that has some things you can check off…you could put that on your smart phone. Its icon is a yellow key on a blue background. And Nancy’s suggestions are gold, too. Cheering you on!

  • Pedro – you’ve got this! There aren’t little boxes, but you can mark up your weekly workbook regarding the tasks you do daily. That’s exactly what I did to keep it all straight until it became second nature. Also, use the master mind of you tribe. I’m sure you all will be meeting each other soon!

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