MKE Week 1 – The world is my Oyster

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Category:  Week One


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And so the world is my Oyster, well that’s exactly how I’m feeling starting this MKE adventure, the possibilities are endless and I am going to keep this in mind as I go through this journey.

I have done so many courses in the past that have promised the earth but for whatever reason just haven’t done it for me. I know that is all about me and not about the course per say. I am determined to make this course the course that opens me up to the limitless possibilities that are available in this lifetime.

As I think and feel into this I must admit I start this journey with some trepidation, nervous and excited as my daughter calls it nervousited, I am so ready for a transformation, I feel every area in my life is great apart from career and finances so I am ready to transform those areas and take the other life areas to the next level, there’s always room for growth right…. But the little voice in my head is saying, “another course why is this one going to be any different”? I answer back with it’s going to be different because I am ready, I am immersing myself in the material, interacting with others on the course and I have a burning desire for change.

From the 1st call I gained so many insights, the main one being the immense power of the “subby” aka subconscious, how the subby makes the decision 7 seconds before the conscious mind decides, this fact blew my mind. We have to change our inner world to change our outer world, so all the affirmations, all the reading of books is all very well, but it’s in the conscious, we have to reprogram the subby for long term change to happen…

It’s time to tap into my genius and live with limitless possibilities and I have every Faith that this is the journey that will help me achieve this. Im rolling my sleeves up and ready to make the sacrifices to create a lifetime of happiness, success and fulfilment. The great thing is I do this work on myself it just might rub off on my 13 and 11yr old (wink wink) Everyone wins.!!!

Meet Kirsty Kerins

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  • Hi Kristy, I can relate to your blog. I also have done many many many courses. I am glad you are here and I am looking forward to read more about your journey. Great share

  • I am so excited for you and what is about to unfold. You are on the right journey. Thank you for reminding me how I felt when I started this adventure myself.

  • Welcome Kristy! Thanks for sharing what we all felt when beginning this journey along with the great insight of how powerful our subconscious is.

  • I’d been searching a lifetime for Mark J and Davene’s proprietary experience, too. There really is nothing like it, and I’m so delighted you found it, too. It can’t help but rub off on your kids. Cheering you on!

  • “We have to change our inner world to change our outer world”
    “I’m rolling my sleeves up and ready to make the sacrifices to create a lifetime of happiness, success and fulfilment.”

    Hi Kirsty, I’m a Lifetime Member reading the new members journey.
    I like to read and pull out the statements you have written and congratulations on rolling up your sleeves and focusing on fully engaging in the exercises.
    We are cheering you on!
    Your time is now!

  • That’s awesome Kirsty! As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. You are ready!

  • Everyone does win Kirsty. What you learn definitely rubs off on others especially the young. You are in a great space with great people to share your journey. Looking forward to seeing the great things that you discover.

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