MKE Week 1 – Waking Slowly

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Category:  Week One


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I feel like I was totally lost in the beginning. I even thought of just giving up. I am so very glad that I pushed on. Things seem to be coming together.

I feel like a child again, becoming more & more aware at every moment, at every turn, it is so cool.

It has been interesting to see some of the things I am noticing in my life that I had no awareness of ever before. An enlightening, if you will. Its fun & exciting to notice blue rectangles EVERYWHERE.

I am concentrating on talking to more people & making an effort to meet new people everyday.
I am so thrilled that my mind is becoming so open to more. It is also very interesting to be picking up on more minute details.

I feel as though blinders are being removed slowly & the whole world is coming into clearer focus in every aspect of my life. I cannot contain my excitement & enthusiasm!

Meet Valerie Ferraro

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  • ‘becoming more & more aware at every moment, at every turn, it is so cool.’ And it’s only the beginning!

  • Congratulations for sticking with it! The lessons you will learn are going to amaze you!

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