The 7 day mental diet is not an easy thing to do. I thought I was a positive person. These little negative thoughts seem to creep into your mind.
I didn’t realize I was allowing these thoughts to be so present. A lot of my negative thoughts are coming from my being inpatient.
When I see this happening, I say to myself “I will greet this day with love in my heart”. Or I say to myself “that’s not coming from someone who has love in their heart”. This week has really shown me how impatient I can be and how quickly I can become impatient.
I need to look around myself and take better stock of the things that are going on around me. No one can multitask. That has been proven. I need to focus on only doing one thing at a time which will help remove some of the impatience that I experience so often.
Slow down, focus and negative thoughts will be reduced.
It’s amazing when you are with other people how negative other people can also be. If you really stop and listen to what people are saying, how they are acting and even body gestures. We are surrounded by negative thoughts or things.
We need to be our own gate keeper of the mind to not let the negative thoughts come into our minds that we are totally surrounded with all the time.
Great GREAT blog here Christine. The control the negative thoughts have on our minds, really seems surprising when we are really focused on being the positive change. 7 days in a row, here we come!
I am learning to do the same. One task at a time and concentrate my thoughts on all things positive. Substituting a positive thought for a negative is getting much easier but I did not think I was this negative to begin with. I am grateful I am not the only one.
Yes you are on your journey working the 7 day mental diet. I am on the same path and are experiencing what you are. Rejoice we are aware now and taking counter measures to eliminate it