MKE Week 7 – Acceptance…

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Category:  Week Seven


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Embrace the uncertainty…
Keep moving forward…

They say that some of the ingredients for happiness is the acceptance of what is and embracing the uncertainty…
Easier said than done…

Like most things in life, the bigger the challenge the bigger the reward!
I am starting to accept the things of the past. I used to think that if I accept the things of the past it means that I agree with what happened. Was I wrong!

I’ve learnt that accepting the things of the past is just a way of saying that what is done is done and I can’t go back and change it. I want to move forward with my life and I don’t want anything holding me back!

Dwelling on the things of the past is definitely holding me back. Feeling guilty about my own mistakes is not helping much at all. Resenting other people for their mistakes is not helping much either.

The only thing left for me to do is to greet this day with love in my heart and accept what is. One of the seven laws of the mind is the Law of Forgiveness, so I need to forgive myself and everybody else.

Even if I have to forgive over and over again and again, I don’t want the past to hold me back anymore. I accept what is and I am looking forward to the rest of my wonderful life. I embrace the uncertainty! I accept that life is full of surprises and I don’t need to control anything other than myself and my thoughts.

My focus needs to be on rewriting my blue print. Crafting a new program to run my life. Protecting my subconscious mind by being the watchman at the gate. Focusing on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!

Failure will never overtake me, if my determination to succeed is strong enough!

In my mother tongue: Uithou! Aanhou! Bekhou!
Loosely translated as keep on keeping on!

Meet Gerhard Meiring

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  • Wow, awesome blog Gerhard. Very inspiring. You’re absolutely right we can’t change the past moving forward is the only way to go. Glad to hear you are excepting what is and are moving forward. 🙌

  • Inspiring blog Gerhard!! So happy you are choosing to focus only on what you want, today and going forward. We are all cheering you on!

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