MKE Week 7 – Discovering The Real Causative Force In Life

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Category:  Week Seven


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“Thought is the real causative force in life, and there is no other.”

-Emmett Fox, The Seven Day Mental Diet, Page 5

Is it possible to change your whole life in one week?

Emmett Fox wrote a book in the 1930’s called The Seven Day Mental Diet, and he stated emphatically that you can change everything in your life in just seven days by avoiding negative thoughts.

He also said that this will be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life and if you find yourself dwelling on a negative thought you have to start the seven-day mental diet over.

Dr. Martin Seligman did over 30 years of research and concluded that 80% of people are in a state of chronic helplessness where they feel they are incapable of improving their lives and reaching their goals.

Is it negative thoughts that are causing so many people to live their lives in a chronic state of procrastination or self-sabotage?

This then is the real key to life: if you change your mind, your conditions must change too.

-Emmett Fox, The Seven Day Mental Diet, Page 5

Stay tuned for my next blog post to hear more about this epic adventure I am on in the Master Key Experience.

Meet David Meyer

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  • Good post David. The world is as we are. Our reality is dependent on our perception and our perception is dependent on our attitude. Time to put on the rose colored glasses.

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