This has been fun writing about my journey to MorningStar.
My buyer arrived and the process began. My two beautiful girls still had no forever home. I put a note at my clubhouse. Within days Ann called. She lost her dog and wanted a cat she didn’t have to go outside to water.
At 82 I wondered if this would work. Upon entering her home, I knew my Magi hit the jackpot. Felines usually hide about 3 days before coming out of hiding. Explain that to an 82-year-old!
Ann wanted to return Magi after day one. She was afraid I would leave and she’d have no way out of having a cat that wasn’t responding to her timeline. Three days and nights no change and then like clockwork Magi emerged. When I went to visit a few days before leaving Magi was following Ann around and sat with her on the couch! It was beautiful.
Sara, my 14-year-old, was with me since birth. Right up to the night before the movers arrived Sara had no home. My friend Ellen came in the eleventh hour and took her. God is so good and Ellen is a saint. My last day in my wonderful home would have been challenging yet the outcome went well. Knowing they are safe and with wonderful ladies keeps me at peace. My girls had my heart.
Moving day I planned to be gone by 2:00. Nothing along this journey to Morningstar worked as planned. I left at 5:00! I could only get 2 hours in before it was dark. I had to stop. As I age my night vision changes. I changed my headlights insisting it was that. NOT.
Florida is a monster college football state. Jacksonville is one of the largest. The wonderful lady at the hotel called three other hotels to find me a bed. I was prepared to cop a few zzzz’s in my car! Not on her watch! Her kindness to me, a stranger, was a blessing. When things like that happen, I love to be even kinder every opportunity. I think that helps others as well. Let’s all keep paying it forward and make this world a better place every day of our lives.
The happiness of arriving at the destination I’d been dreaming about for years soothed my heart. I am now at peace. Blessings.
Patti, your positive vibes make the dream work. “Remember that thought is the fire that creates the steam that turns the wheel of fortune, upon which your experiences depend”. You are getting the peace, that you manifested. Awesome!
Patti, thanks for sharing. So many doors were opened because of your dream and never giving up on it. Your cats are happy in their new homes and you are happy having arrived in your new home.
It is so refreshing. All of us paying it forward in numerous ways does not go unnoticed. Thanx Deanna.
Thanks for sharing your journey!
I enjoyed reading your blog Patti. I’m glad your fur babies went to good homes. I’m also glad a “Good Samaritan” looked after you so you had a place to sleep for the night. It’s wonderful there are so many kind people in the world.