MKE Week 7 – Growing

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Category:  Week Seven


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This course is fly by. We have covered so much. We are learning how our brain works and how to use it to our advantage. It’s incredible how simple the work is and how quickly we adapt to it!

The Gal in the Glass has been so powerful in making me, my best accountability partner. That and visualizing my future self, maker her a close friend. Repeating the ‘Do It Now’ has mad me a woman of action.

I am amazed of myself and I am proud of how far I have already come. I have had challenges. But I continue to push through. I am DETERMINED to see this through at my very best. Because I know with all these Good Habits, comes the fulfillment of my life’s vision.

I looking at the land I want to purchase, listening to music in Española, eating Thai food and visualizing the feeling of Enrolling that final person before my goal date. These are ways to bring the vison board to life! Using all of our senses creates the reality in our mind. We are training our subconscious to bring us closer and closer to these objects of our desires.

I have a deeper awareness of my actions and every moment I’m noticing if I smiled at someone or looked away. Was there a 5 second chance to show love, and did I take it?

These Gratitude cards are really seeping into my Subby. I’ve always prayed for my massage clients, but now I find myself praying for others, whom I don’t know, more often. I wake up Excited to start the day, no longer exhausted and overwhelmed.

This course had been challenging, in looking deeper in my heart and it has fun in opening my creative mind. I am so grateful to have found MKE.

Meet Kirstan McCarthy

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