So, life … sometimes, in the past, there have been things that occur that derail me from my own course. This has happened more times than not.
This week I had such an occurance, however I noticed that my habits did not get derailed!! What happened is something that is devastating to me emotionally … my grandmother and her health … and yet I was able to not only navigate with a clear head but not derail all my work on myself and my business.
It was a relief, reassuring and something that elevated my spirits in a way I cannot quite explain, means I am also better able to serve my grandmother now she needs me more than ever. (I did drop the ball on submitting my blog, but that was all!)
Reminds me of when I was young and learning ballet … repetition until the habits took over and everything became second nature. Like parents teaching their young. Simple yet life used to get in the way and the basics were cast aside. Finding them again, is exhilarating!
“I greet each day with love in my heart and I will succeed.”
-Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman, Scroll 2.
Gilli McKenzie
Great to hear of your progress Gilli.
I hope all is well for your Grandmother and it’s lovely you can be there for her.