Hakalau is Hawaiian for expanded awareness. Achieving the state of Hakalau is easy. It’s all about the eyes, looking slightly above eye level, using your peripheral vision, seeing everything to your right and left, while looking straight ahead, you are in Hakalau.
The benefits of Hakalau are, you cannot hold a negative thought, feeling or emotion in this state. Your mind is more relaxed and can pull up any memory you may need at the time. Hakalau clears your mind. You remember more, read better, test better, play sports better, anything you do is better when in Hakalau.
Your awareness is increased when in Hakalau. I share this as I’ve used Hakalau since 2006. I use this tool to get me through my days, especially now with our learnings in the Master Key Experience of no opinions, the mental diet, seven laws of the mind, practicing substitution, and visualizing.
This week, Hakalau was my friend. Breathing was my friend. Grounding was my friend. I was able to maintain my practice of no opinion, kept my awareness around my thoughts and allowed me to let my mind be free and see the things I haven’t been able to see and feel for a long time.
I am tearing up as I am writing this. I have no clue what my future looks like, being limited physically, thank goodness, it’s only that, I have my mind and spirit.
I keep telling myself, “welcome to the new me!” I’m working on believing that. I miss a lot of things that I loved to be able to do. Finding new things to love is my next adventure, once I’m able to gain more mobility.
Visualizing was this week’s focus, and I loved talking to my future self. It was kind of funny, as I got distracted a few times while visualizing that conversation, the conversation after the distraction was more funny. I ended the visualization.
The future me, agreeing with me wasn’t helping me. I’m laughing right now. I shall continue these wonderful habits, as I need all the help I can get, and it starts with my mind. I am grateful.
This is such an outstanding share, Mimo. I can’t find the words to accurately describe how good this is. Great job!
” I have no clue what my future looks like, being limited physically, thank goodness, it’s only that, I have my mind and spirit.”
Mimo, your mind and spirit is what makes you. You’ve already shown extraordinary will and determination, now you are being creative and creating your own reality.
No limitations.
We’re all with you on this!! ❤️
Love it! I learned something new with Hakalau. Interesting. I’m going to try it. When I was visiting my daughter on Kauai a few years ago, my Rolfer there kept telling me to look up, keep the head up, don’t look down, keep your awareness and presence up. I didn’t fully get it but now, thanks you to you, I do. I love your attitude; your sense of being. You are a gift and it’s an honor to have you in my family. I want to read your earlier posts to get a sense of your history. Keep sharing, keep giving, you are gift to the rest of us.
Thanks so much for sharing Hakalau, its meaning and how having Hakalau in your life makes your life so much better! I smiled reading about your conversation with your future self. Thanks for your uplifting story.