MKE Week 7 – In order to step into your greatness there must be a metamorphosis

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Category:  Week Seven


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Often when we are on the brink of something extraordinary and life changing there can be a stillness that feeling that nothing is happening, and you almost feel like you are going nowhere.

Nothing seems to work out and you are stagnant. You see everyone around you appear to be advancing and yet here you are. The understanding you need to have is your purpose and destiny is not theirs and neither is theirs yours. Keep you focus on the journey of becoming the best version of yourself.

Well If I could accurately describe my life for the past 7 years, I think that would be very accurate. That was until I came across this ad on my Facebook feed with a subject that I had previously begun but never finished nor did I understand what I read.

Think & Grow Rich taught by Mark J. There was something about it and something inside of me that made me click on it and that led to completing that training followed by the 7 laws of the mind which led me to the Master Keys.

Incredible things are continuing to happen I’m literally going after the things on my service card without thinking about them. I just am sitting there and the next thing I know I’m saying or doing something on my card.

Do it now fly’s out of my mouth all through the day or I can be what I will to be! Just that alone has shifted my thinking I don’t think about it I just do it just feels like it’s always been that way.

This Love chapter in Scrolls has been incredible Love truly can change everything. The beetles were on to something when they said all you need is love, love is all you need. I couldn’t agree more! Until next time and there will be a next time!

Meet Shannon Northman

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  • Nice one, Shannon! There is a line in that song which I love: “There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.” You are meant to be here!

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