MKE Week 7 – Love in my heart

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Category:  Week Seven


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I was having a difficult time linking my Personal Pivotal Needs and my Definite Major Purpose. As I looked back to Week 2 I realized that I needed to adjust my PPN’s. And voila it all came together.

Thanks to my Guides for “guiding” and not telling. All I needed was to talk it out and I figured it out myself. We were all laughing when we realized at the same time that I had answered my question.

My diet was very healthy this week. I had heaping helpings of positive thoughts and observations and cut back on the opinions. Not having any opinions or dweling on negative thoughts for one day is a challenge, never mind a week. However, we have the tools to keep us on track. If I “fall off the wagon”, the MKE lets me know what I have to do to climb right back on!

Mark J’s exercise on Sunday about forgiveness was profoundly emotional for me. I had just experienced the act of forgiveness within the past 6 months. All of those feelings came rushing back. We are learning to recognize and feel our emotions related to building our new self. Very exciting stuff!

I so look forward to reading Og Mandino’s Scroll marked II, three times a day. “I will greet this day with love in my heart” and ending with the Guy in the Glass. I look forward to going to sleep and waking up. This is new for me!

Looking forward to what’s ahead!

Meet Mike Farkas

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