MKE Week 7 – Mental Diet

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Category:  Week Seven


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Having been judged throughout my life, it comes naturally to judge others.

Going on a mental diet to substitute negative thoughts with positive ones is a great exercise to see how negative you can be in your thinking and how freeing it is to release it with positive thinking.

Our negative opinion is part of our internal wiring. It’s innate.

During my mental diet, I focused on what is positive about this situation, person, place, or thing and substituted for this positive thought and feeling.

Now, this is not new to me as I’ve been doing this for many years, but the diet had me see where else I could improve further.

The result of the diet had me be more grateful for the experiences that have come into my life and brought greater awareness to my thinking.

How many of us have had promises made to us that were broken? But I don’t need to break promises made to myself. My evolution – Keeping my word to myself.

“I greet this day with love in my heart.”

Want to know more – check out my last week’s article

Meet Lynn Marysh

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  • It’s inspiring to see someone who is actively working on improving their thought patterns and focusing on positivity

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