MKE Week 7 – My Challenge With Visualization

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Category:  Week Seven


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I’ve got to admit that visualization has not been one of my strongest talents. My wife has often asked me, “Wouldn’t this room look great in a baby blue color?” or something along that line. I would tell her that I do not know, but when I see it, I can tell if I like it or not.

It drives her nuts.

I have always been better at spatial concepts, or figuring out how something works. When fixing something or building something, I usually can figure out a good place to start, and then improvise as I go along.

That’s probably how I have operated all my life – Starting and then improvising as I go along.
It probably comes down to the fact that I did not want to fail, and that having that mental picture in my head, if it did not materialize, then I have failed.

So, fear of failure probably had a big part of where I was at.

I have been working by the old blueprint for many, many years now. It’s time for a change. I have set aside my fears, and I am going down a different road. I know that visualizing is important because without a definite destination in mind, I am just roaming around.

I believe that I am capable of forming that picture in my mind. Just need a little practice.

Meet Michael Bordyn

I’ve always loved the outdoors and exploring. Growing up in Florida, I earned a degree in forestry from the University of Florida, and worked in that profession for 15 years. Subsequent forays in sales and customer service drew me into a desire to help others. My wife, Millie and I have been married for 21 years, and spent several years living in western North Carolina, and upstate New York. A brief visit to South America inspired us to move to Ecuador, where we have been living in a completely different environment for the last year and a half.
Still exploring…….

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