Today, interestingly, one of my spiritual readings went like this “Every moment is a fresh beginning and an opportunity to choose how I relate to my world.” How appropriate to be reading and working on the Mental Diet as laid out by Emmet Fox this week. Which appears to be working out to be more than a seven-day week.
Having put together a couple of days in row I do see the humor in the extended week. I also find the strength in doing the mental work making a true earnest and persistent effort to do it now.
Being into a one day at a time mindset, I’ve always talked about that being necessarily broken down to hour by hour and minute by minute. Yet I don’t think I thought of those smaller time periods as new beginnings.
Being on the mental diet where you don’t entertain negative thought, you don’ dwell on negative thought and you don’t accept negative thought, one finds themselves being very conscious and cognizant time and space.
During this week of doing the mental diet, the more vigilant the guardian at the gate the better. Also, of interest this week is the fact that I am moving from time to direction.
Fox says, “if you change your mind your conditions must change too.” He goes on to say that the Great Cosmic Law is by renewing our minds we are transformed. Thus, making the mental diet “the most important thing in your life.”
I also like the idea that we our so close to our thoughts that we need to practice being objective in choosing the subject of our thinking setting the mood and color.
I love the linkages between Fox and Hannel. I was going to write this week about the Hannel week seven 7 reading. About the fact that by holding a clear image of a thing in your mind you are bringing it nearer to you. It doesn’t just happen you have to do the mental work. The bottom line is I can be what I will to be, mental work is required.
Love this.
Yes, Michael, holding a clear image of no opinions and capturing positive thoughts minute by minute does take practice. You are doing this.