MKE Week 7 – Reflection, Correction, Creation

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Category:  Week Seven


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This week’s lesson in combination with the Seven Day Mental Diet created and opportunity for Reflection, Correction and Creation.

“Earnest Desire will bring about Confident Expectation, and this in turn must be reinforced by Firm Demand. These three cannot fail to bring about Attainment, because the Earnest Desire is the feeling, the Confident Expectation is the thought, and the Firm Demand is the will, and as we have seen, feeling gives vitality to thought and the will holds it steadily until the Law of Growth brings it into manifestation.”

The Master Key System, Charles Haanel, Lesson 7, sentence 18

I am in awe of how true these three are to my real life experiences! As I shared with the mastermind associated with this program, we truly are “powerful beyond measure”. It’s almost frightening as I reflect on days gone by reviewing all that I ‘created’ that I really didn’t want to create.

My desires for a contrary result came because of my worry and focus on what I did not want. Knowing, truly knowing this empowers me in ways I never imagined. I am beyond excited! I feel like I just received my magic wand.

Joy, DJ

Meet Debra White

DJ is a Gifted Results Oriented Fitness Professional Who Enhances Physical and Mental Well Being Mastery. As one who transitioned from Corporate America to Health and Wellness, she supports others through similar transformations, their own Hero’s Journey.

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