MKE Week 7 – Thank you ALL. Everyone of you.

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Category:  Week Seven


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What is happening here? Metamorphosis—of ME. I am truly astonished.

I love me. I really, really do. But it’s so very true that I—the true I—is buried. I sure do have a Golden Buddha buried in cement that I most definitely want to dig out. That is why I am here in this course. I have hope that I can learn how to help me help me. And the Master Key Experience is not disappointing…

Passages from several readings really coalesced into one vision this week for me.

In The Greatest Salesman on page 60, Og Mandino asks “And how will I act?” My brain rewrote that passage and directed it at me. ‘I will love all manners of myself for I have qualities to be admired even though they be hidden. With love I will tear down the walls of suspicion and hate which I have built round my heart and in its place will I build bridges so that my love may enter my soul’.

There is work to be done. This work I must do to and for myself.

Emerson writes, “Every soul is by this intrinsic necessity quitting its whole system of things….there can be enlargement, and the man of to-day scarcely recognizes the man of yesterday. And such should be the outward biography of man in time, a putting off of dead circumstances day by day, as he renews his raiment day by day.”

Metamorphosis, whether consistently and gradually or in shocks. More work to be done…constantly (or in shocks). It makes one think this is too much work! I’m one only one person.

Nay nay…

Emerson also writes, “Hast not thy share? On winged feet, Lo! It rushes thee to meet; And all that Nature made thy own, floating in air or pent in stone, Will rive the hills and swim the sea, And like thy shadow, follow thee.”

As Mark passionately imparted in this week’s webinar, I have someone in my corner. God. The Source. The Great Spirit. The Source of All Good. The Universe WANTS to help me. The Source wants to give me what I want. It will go scorched earth for me. It will demolish mountains, cross the sea…I get what’s coming to me and it is stuck to me just as my shadow is.


It all comes down to me WANTING–earnestly desiring, DOING the work and come hell or high water I GET.

I have goosebumps envisioning this force charging toward me to help…to give. Rushing at me. Demolishing everything and anything in its path.

I envision that little girl inside me who has been waiting all these years. And I’m looking her in the eyes and saying, “I LOVE YOU!! HOLD ON!! I am coming for you!!

My love is magnifying-glass-focused on YOU in there. I am chipping away that cement. I, I, I, me, I will move hell and high water to free you! Life is even BETTER than you ever imagined! And boy-oh-boy do I have partner who’s helping.”

I have the Universe. I have all of you helping me—your divine spark is my divine spark and as you read this and cheer me on you are helping me.

And I AM changing. I see it. I feel it. Astonishing!

For that, I give thanks. Thank YOU.

And my divine spark is yours to use and help you. Use it. Please.

Meet Ramona Ayala

Creator. Explorer. Adventurer. Inspirer. Gatherer. Leader. Now is all there is, all there ever was and all there ever will be. I am moving forward and never looking back.

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  • Thank you for the kinds words, Shirley. I am happy to offer my spark because if I can provide one iota of strength or endurance to another, I want them to have it. Some days I am stronger than others and on those weak days I am leaning on others’ sparks.

  • I, too, am a work in progress, Joan. I envision the baby turtles hatching and working their way across the beach and keep telling myself “one more turtle step! one baby turtle step at a time”.

  • Ramona, what a great share for our Master Mind! You ended with “And my divine spark is yours to use and help you. Use it. Please.” Isn’t it amazing that the more personal we are, the more universal we are? Your explorations of Og and Emerson and then linking their words to YOU show us how to do that if we haven’t yet. Thank you!

  • Wow! You are on your way! You are really nailing MKE! Congratulations on your work & insight. Thanks for sharing!

  • You give inspiration to others! Keep on chipping away the cement. I am just now getting the connections. Emerson is hard for me to understand.
    God is my compass that keeps me centered! I am a work in progress.

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