This week I have decided to talk about the positive changes that I have seen. Not only in myself but in my surroundings.
While this week was much more filled with extra responsibilities that I didn’t expect. My father-in-law went in for surgery to have a tumor removed from around his kidney. This I knew and dropped him off Monday morning for the surgery.
I was the point person if there was anything that went wrong or if a decision needed to be made. Gladly I didn’t have to because everything went well with the surgery.
All day on Monday I found my mind shifting to his surgery and each time I would say “Everything is going to go well”.
Based on all our learning so far… nod to positive thinking because everything did go well. They were able to remove it without having to remove any part of his kidney.
Being 74 I did expect that he would need some help when he got out of the hospital. He is a bit stubborn and is always that type that thinks if he feels fine, he’s better and often forgetting that he must let his body heal first.
Even though he might feel better, there is a chance it’s not ready and just trying to make you think it is. By addressing him with love and understanding, he has been very receptive to listening and has really enjoyed the company.
While the beginning of this week’s exercise aka the diet was difficult to begin with, I have been doing very well towards the end of the week. Catching myself before the 6 seconds has completed and replacing the thought with something HAPPY! I have even noticed that my choices of music during this time has changed as well.
I have stepped away from those songs that maybe are a bit more negative not in the words themselves but might bring up a negative thinking or memory for me.
Change is moving through me and I couldn’t be more happier!!
Love your examples of approaching the different situations! Very helpful to me.😊
Ron- yeah for sure. It caught me off guard. I was listening to a song that was about heartbreak and how they wanted to get back at the person that hurt them and I changed it. I was like I don’t want these thoughts in my head. Its fun how quick I came to that thought too. Good thing it wasn’t like one of my favorites lol.
I can really relate to your comment about music and how it might affect us. Music has always been a huge part of my life, including the genres that may not be particularly noted for their positive spin on things! So, I think I may need to recalibrate what I allow past the “gatekeeper”.
Amy, I can relate to your father-in-law. I’m 72 and think I’m still 25 at times. The Prayer is for him to heal quickly and get back to life where he is loved. The Diet has been hard for so many reasons and I’m finally getting to enjoy the challenge and seeking other ways to accomplish the task of 7 days positive in my thoughts.
Blessings & Peace
Keep at it Anna! The power of substitution is an amazing tool to change our perspectives, right? Glad to hear your father-in-law’s surgery went well! Wishing him a speedy recovery!
Amy, thanks for sharing with our Master Mind another example of giving positivity/getting positivity around your father-in-law’s surgery. And I love your observation that choices of music have changed, too, as you focus on the Mental Diet!