MKE Week 7 – Three Necessary Steps

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Category:  Week Seven


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I am loving the amazing lessons in this week’s The Master Key. Part Seven contains many pearls of wisdom and powerful practical steps on how to use universal principles in more effective ways. Before I get into the three steps, I’d love to share another pearl I have found this week.

Isn’t it splendid to know that we have millions of brain cells and billions of mental worker cells working throughout our body, each possessing the innate intelligence to keep our bodies functioning properly? We are truly awesomely and wondrously made!

“…These cells are all busy creating and recreating the body, but, in addition to the this, they are endowed with psychic activity whereby they can attract to themselves the substance necessary for perfect development.”

The Master Key System, Charles Haanel, Part 7: 16

I am reminded of my days as a Lactation Consultant. Whenever a mother expressed doubts that she would not be able to produce enough breastmilk to sustain her newborn, I would ask her if she had to give instructions to her body on how to form her baby during her pregnancy.

The usual answer was “no”. Yet, I reminded her, somehow, she had enough faith in her body that it would form her baby automatically. I encouraged her to have that same faith and allow her body produce the amount of milk necessary to help her baby thrive.

By following my instruction and by actually breastfeeding her baby on demand, I reassured her that she had what it takes to achieve her goal of nursing her baby successfully, her body was naturally equipped to do this. In essence, the “substance necessary for development”, in this case breastmilk, with repeated action would gradually respond to her baby’s demand.

I believe the Master Creator set us up for success in life and we have within us what is essential to achieving our dreams and desires. The three step, earnest desire, confident expectation, and firm demand are key to accomplishing our goals.

These three cannot fail to bring about Attainment, because the Earnest Desire is the feeling, the Confident Expectation is the thought, and the Firm Demand is the will, and, as we have seen, feeling gives vitality to thought and the will holds it steadily until the Law of Growth brings it into manifestation.

The Master Key System, Charles Haanel, Part 7: 18

All we need to manifest is a thought vitalized with enthusiasm and held clearly. As we have been instructed in this course of study that, by having a clear picture of our intention, picturing it with feeling and re-picturing it repeatedly on a daily basis, we will replace the bad habits that have inhibited our realizations and develop good ones. By using the plethora of tools given to us in this class, I believe we are sure to succeed in our endeavors. Are you a believer too?

Meet Carmen Fuentes

I really love being of support to others especially women and children. I am so grateful that I was able to devote 30+ years in joyful service as a maternal/child nurse and Lactation Consultant.

I retired from that career two years ago, sold my condo, moved closer to my lovely daughter and family, and started my home based business. And so the next chapter of my life has begun. It’s going to be a doozy!

I have always been a spiritual seeker. On my self-development quest I have been exposed to the principles that govern our universe and to the wonders of the mind. Since starting MKE I am learning how to combine principle and the power of my subconscious mind to bring about real change in my life and so manifest my dreams. I feel AWESOME!

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  • I find Haanel’s teachings to be very metaphysical and I love looking beyond the physical to see Source in all.

  • Wow, Carmen! Your post is so inspiring! It’s amazing how our bodies have the innate intelligence to achieve our goals. I completely believe in the power of visualization and using the tools we’ve learned in this class. Let’s keep manifesting our dreams! 💪🌟

  • What a beautiful post! I love how you were intuitively able to correlate faith in the body of a newborn with the lactation process. Tying in Haanel was very good. Thanks Carmen!

  • Carmen,
    your insightful reflections on The Master Key’s Part Seven are truly inspiring! The analogy from your days as a Lactation Consultant beautifully illustrates the innate wisdom within us. Your emphasis on faith in our body’s capabilities and the power of earnest desire, confident expectation, and firm demand resonate deeply. Your encouragement to visualize our intentions daily and replace inhibiting habits with positive ones provides a practical roadmap for success. Your belief in our inherent ability to manifest dreams is contagious, making me a firm believer too! Thanks for sharing such empowering wisdom.

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