MKE Week 7 – Visualizing My Future

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Category:  Week Seven


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Week 7 of our 26 week journey with MKE has come and gone. The small building blocks we have been creating are making more sense each day. I must admit I have difficulty creating them and am behind, but will be caught up during Thanksgiving recess.

Once assembled these blocks will help me visualize my desired future which is Haanel’s lesson this week. In Part 7 of The Master Key System Haanel emphasizes the idea that our mental world is the source of all power and creative force. He discusses the importance of controlling our thoughts and directing them towards positive, constructive ends.

Haanel asserts that the conscious mind is the director of this creative process, while the subconscious mind is the instrument through which thoughts are manifested.

He emphasizes concentration and visualization techniques to strengthen the connection between the conscious and subconscious mind. Haanel teaches that by consistently applying these exercises, individuals can develop greater control over their thoughts and, in turn, shape their reality.

Once we understand the immense creative power within our minds, we can use it purposefully to manifest the desired outcomes of our lives.

Meet Jim Fletcher

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  • Thanks for sharing your insights with us Jim. Bravo for digging into the material and engaging in the mental exercises. Cheering you on!

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