MKE Week 17 HJ – Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing

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Category:  Week Seventeen HJ


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This week was a Growth Week.

I was challenged to find a solution to a situation. I did. Yet from solution to completion took six days. The good news was the solution. Yet the patience required for the process was exasperating.

The ‘continuous selling’ to myself that things were resolved expended great energy and focus and I did it well! The not so good news was in my commitment to stay positive, patient, in belief and trust that “all things work together for my good”, I was distracted from the task that is a long term solution for my life.

No beating myself up. Assessing what occurred while celebrating that I didn’t tank and lose sight of all other disciplines and routines as another success.

I chose to join my Tribe via Zoom and what encouragers they were!! Talk about a Mastermind!

Then I chose not to shy away or hide from my mentor and Wow! No shame. No Guilt.

Truth and Love.

Now, I choose to be stronger and more focused for it.


Meet Debra White

DJ is a Gifted Results Oriented Fitness Professional Who Enhances Physical and Mental Well Being Mastery. As one who transitioned from Corporate America to Health and Wellness, she supports others through similar transformations, their own Hero’s Journey.

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  • Your continued evolution inspires us all…
    Your focus is where it needs to be and thus you continue on your path.
    You inspire us, in polo, on the zooms, in your blogs, and so on…

    We are all on this together for each other and you are an intricate part of that!!!

  • Good job Debra! Finding the lessons in the challenge and following through with persistence!

  • Hi Debra, Great job celebrating the accomplishments and moving away from what does not serve you.

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