In the last couple of weeks, focusing on kindnesses has really changed things for me. It’s more than just feeling grateful and well—it’s like upgrading to a better version of life. I’ve tapped into a newfound sense of personal power and courage, shedding old layers of doubt like peeling cement off my golden buddha. Now, I’m digging deep into understanding who I really am at my core.
Through this process, I’ve realized something big—I’m not just okay; I’m whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and, ultimately, happy. This realization is now a guiding light as I keep discovering more about myself, bringing a sincere and deep sense of contentment into my life.
I love this, Nathalie! You ARE whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy! So are we all:)
Upgrading to a better version of life…YES!
I love this, Nathalie! You are so right. When we focus on kindness, everything falls into place!