I’m still intrigued how my subconscious mind wants to keep me safe by keeping me in my comfort zone. My Subby chooses being safe over being happy. It’s like telling someone to marry for security and not love. Why can’t you have both?
Even though I want to take the Hero’s Journey, there is still resistance to the unknown. What if it doesn’t work? What if I humiliate myself?
I have given myself permission to be happy. So I turn the negative questions into positive ones: What if it DOES work? What if I’m PROUD of myself?
I’m training Subby to allow me to be happy as I enlarge my comfort zone. I’m learning to see life as an adventure.
Life is a gift to be opened and enjoyed!
Hi Ava, Yes, life is a gift. Life is an amazing adventure. Giving yourself permission to enjoy the gift and be happy. Great share