I love when Mark gets EXCITED and ENTHOOOSIASTIC! This week was a 2 parter. Because of the Franklin Makeover that we started last week, this week we were assigned an attribute that was to be our Focus for the week.
MKE created a space for us to list “Acts of Kindness”, comment and like them as well. Our set goal was 2000 but that was surpassed in 2-3 days now, its just for bragging rights but still pretty cool. How cool is it to just look for acts of kindness?
As I often like to say, It Doesn’t Suck!
The other part of this week was similar to what we experienced in, I believe it was week 9 when we made the 4 colored shapes with smart goals on them and started taking away either the date or the goal in order to “trick” subby into filling it in, further cementing our Goals!
A Couple weeks back Mark had us making flash cards listing our accomplishments that we were proud of from our past, along with some gratitudes and our 1-sentence DMP AND we also have these same smart goals which we are now to include in the flash cards.
We are to flash thru the 2 piles multiple times daily but specifically, this week, he asked that we start and end each session of flash cards With our 1-sentence DMP to further cement the desire into subby!
While I anxiously await the results of my labor, I must confess. I work 6 days per week for a monument shop. I am lucky if I see or hear from 5 people a WEEK!
So, it’s a pretty lonely job but I am grateful for it because I am literally getting paid to work on Myself and MY business and Must admit, I am pretty HAPPY lately!
I Always Keep My Promises! – Todd Armstrong
It Sure Doesn’t Suck! to just look for acts of kindness?
You getting paid to work on Yourself and Your business and you are pretty HAPPY lately. So awesome Todd
Hi Todd, Good going getting all the flash cards in order and working on happiness.