Another week spent in Paradise. (Playa del Carmen). Time is slipping away too quickly.
Realized I didn’t need to find a printer for the lessons. Just opened them in Word and I can read them for now and print when I get home.
As we walk back from the beach, I look at the faces of those heading down towards the water and I can’t believe all the sad/mad faces I see. These folks are on holiday – they should be grinning from ear to ear!! I smile at everyone I can and some return the smile and others grimace.
You’d think I was trying to steal something from them. How unhappy they must be.
I am just managing to keep up with the lesson of the week so haven’t been able to catch up on missed work yet but plan to really “hit the books” I get home. From weather reports we’ve heard, sounds like I will have lots of quiet time to work. Four and one half inches of snow tends to keep Victorians home. Most of them are transplanted Prairie folk but they’ve forgotten how to drive in snow!!
Great job on keeping up while on vacation!
Hope you had an extra great time on vacation Marguerite. Thanks for sharing.