MKE Week 17 – Lonely at the Top … Caleb, Part One

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Category:  Week Seventeen


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Caleb Part 1 … Lonely at the Top
Numbers 13- 14
Joshua 14
Humbly Serving His Generation,
Heroically Seizing His Giants!

I challenge Self, to study the Bible character behind a present name. Drew, my guide, is named after the First follower of Christ. Andrew, meaning “manly” or “brave” was crucified (diagonally by request because he felt unworthy to hang upright as his Master) for preaching the gospel.

I’m already chasing rabbits 🐇 💛

So it was when I met Caleb, a young boy, that I had to see WHO IS HE in Scripture? He’s more than Joshua’s side kick … the Bible never disappoints!

Caleb is a quiet natural born leader. He possesses a confidence revealing His FAITH in God.

Though his record is small His story is not; he served His Generation passionately. He was ready always to fight the battle and he Wholly followed the LORD His God, (according to the LORD, Caleb himself, Moses, and Joshua)!

His message stayed the same from age 40 to 85 but much more zealous at 85 and with his happy ending finally.

His Press Release finally fulfilled.

So when you feel small and unnoticed, remember Caleb and the 45 years, yet he WHOLLY followed the LORD, and he got His MOUNTAIN for it!

Meet David Smith

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