MKE Week 17 – Short and Simple

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Category:  Week Seventeen


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I continue to get so much out of Charles Haanel’s words. A few of the highlights for me this week are as follows.

“Vibration is the action of thought, it is vibration which reaches out and attracts the material necessary to continue to build.”

The Master Key System, Charles Haanel, Part Seventeen, paragraph 22

I feel this is a statement that continues to encourage acts of kindness because they are an expression of love in action. Love is what changes my vibration making me irresistibly magnetic in drawing to me all I need to fulfil my dreams.

“Intuition usually comes in the Silence, great minds seek solitude frequently, it is here that all the larger problems of life are worked out.” The Master Key, Part Seventeen, paragraph 24ese

The Master Key System, Charles Haanel, Part Seventeen, paragraph 24

This statement encourages me to continue to sit and meditate on a daily basis in order to develop the ability to intuitively know what to do next on my hero’s journey. If meditation and solitude were good enough for Jesus and Buddha, they’re good enough for me.

“…A definite purpose sets causes in motion which go out in the invisible world and find the material necessary to serve your purpose.”

The Master Key, Part Seventeen, paragraph 27

Having a clear purpose creates the mental and spiritual vibration that will attract what is necessary to achieve my goals in life. Knowing that having a definite goal triggers the cause which eventually leads to a desired effect is of great comfort to me.

Meet Carmen Fuentes

I really love being of support to others especially women and children. I am so grateful that I was able to devote 30+ years in joyful service as a maternal/child nurse and Lactation Consultant.

I retired from that career two years ago, sold my condo, moved closer to my lovely daughter and family, and started my home based business. And so the next chapter of my life has begun. It’s going to be a doozy!

I have always been a spiritual seeker. On my self-development quest I have been exposed to the principles that govern our universe and to the wonders of the mind. Since starting MKE I am learning how to combine principle and the power of my subconscious mind to bring about real change in my life and so manifest my dreams. I feel AWESOME!

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  • Powerful Blog, Carmen. Feeling the vibration reaching all the way over here in Oregon…from your amazing Garden State.

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