MKE Week 17 – Stress to Happiness: Focus on what you Want

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Category:  Week Seventeen


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I recently watched the documentary titled, “From Stress to Happiness” it’s about a stressed-out documentary filmmaker who goes on a journey of discovery with a pair of monks.

The filmmaker, Alejandro, is an ordinary man who is in search of happiness. He realizes that many of the decisions he made in his life, which seemed to bring him calm and satisfaction, only added stress and tiredness. The documentary explores how to let go of fear, anxiety, and the illusion of control.

In the past I have forged forward with what I felt was the right decision to move forward in life. This film and the Master Key Experience (MKE) reinforce the importance of meditation, the sit, to take time to listen to your intuition.

Take time to connect with spirit to hear or see the signs of the next direction to take on your journey. In the end all I really want is to be happy and loved and to spread hope, health, happiness and love to others.

In our readings this week Haanel talks about Intuition. A couple key points in the reading are:

Intuition arrives at conclusions without the aid of experience or memory. Intuition often solves problems that are beyond the grasp of reasoning power. Intuition often comes as a suddenness that is startling; it reveals the truth for which we are searching, so directly that it seems to come from a higher power.

I believe it does come from a higher power. Wisdom literature talks about it, “Ask and you shall receive.  Charles Haanel, Master Key System

Last week we concentrated on kindness, and I received Kindness in many ways. This week I have been focused on Decisiveness and have noted many occasions of decisions made and how the decision has created a reaction from others.

Someone else mentioned they were focused on femininity. I, also, noticed this throughout the week. It is amazing how my mind was influenced by what others had said to me and how it showed up in my world.

In conclusion, our thoughts are very powerful and will direct our life. Intuition will aid in making decisions. All I really want is to reflect happiness and love onto others.

Meet Kim Jordan

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