When I put on the mask of Xena many years ago, it was to hide what I felt I didn’t have, and take on a persona of a woman that had what I wanted.
I used her to hide my pain, my insecurities, and my weaknesses. The strong, courageous, bad-ass that she is, is who I want to be. She always handled situations with such grace, and dignity. She did good things to overcome the bad things in her past. She learned to love, forgive and heal from past hurts. Xena, the Warrior Princess is more than just a great fighter in battle. She became a great woman, and mother.
I had an epiphany this week. For so long, I saw the characteristics in Xena that I wanted to have. Why could I see them in her? Because I already have them inside of me!
I AM Xena. I don’t need to wear her like a mask. I AM her!
I spent a lot of time this week talking with mastermind partners. My heart and mind have begun to open up to all possibilities. Even things I have wanted to do all my life, I am no longer thinking them as “impossible”. It’s ok to “dream big” I now have a new excitement about my future.
Yes, you have all the traits that you see in Xena! Cheering you on!
You are correct Juli, you are the warrior princess and you can have what you really want. It is time for you to get it!