I started with Mark J, Lori, Davene, and crew in the “Standing Tall Plus Color Code” class on June 28, 2023. The rigors of that class were manageable, and I appreciated the opportunity to re-establish disciplines that I’d let slip by the wayside.
I love the information we are learning and the habits that I started. But as we progressed through the Verities, I was hard-pressed to create pictures in my head; something I used to do quite well. Invoking imagination was met with a blank slate. I’d lost my ability to dream…
When the opportunity to jump into the Master Key Experience came 3 months later, I KNEW I NEEDED to do this NOW, but because of work/client projects I didn’t know if I wanted to work THAT hard, to keep up with the expectations.
And I knew I’d be getting a lot less sleep… just like when I taught school. Yikes!
We started this MKE journey together 40 days ago… and for me it has been an amazing adventure; the exploration of self, with tumult, convolutions, serendipities, and angst along the way. And although I HAVE lost a lot of sleep, I can truly say that the 40 days in the wilderness has been life changing, and life-affirming.
I came to MKE with the goal of developing legacy income and assets to secure my daughter’s future. I didn’t know much more to do than create a Trust, find a Trustee, fill the Trust accounts with lots of dollars, and that would be that.
I have just submitted my final Definite Major Purpose. Through the development of my DMP, Stu, Jen and my tribe have helped me take the goal and pair it with a life-altering & life-affirming mission. The missing piece was: What would my daughter’s life look like when I was gone?
I was relegating some of my parenting responsibilities to the Trustee. It never entered my mind that I could create something so big and significant for my daughter, and others, as well.
And yet, here I am. I now have a plan that is truly a Legacy, for generations to come. One that can provide a sense of confidence to other parents… that they can leave their extraordinary offspring in good hands, in a warm comfortable community that will encourage the very best in their special children.
Hi Geri, It is so exciting for you to have a plan that cares for your daughter. Thanks for sharing your Legacy with us
Congratulations on on finding your life-altering & life-affirming mission!