MKE Week 6 – Catching up

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Category:  Week Six


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So, I am a little behind and a little lost… at a loss of words.

Being at a loss of words is weird for me. I used to find it challenging to limit my myself to only a certain number of words, but now I find it very challenging to find any words.

I recently watched a podcast and the person that was interviewed is a neuro surgeon who has done thousands of brain scans. In his research, he found that very few people have a healthy brain.

Yes, the brain is an organ and very few of us have a healthy one. He says that lack of oxygen to the brain and trauma are the leading causes of our brain not being healthy. Trauma can be physical from playing contact or combat sports or it could be from emotional turmoil or pain.

The emotional pain we suffer as children right up to the emotional pain we go through as adults has a major effect on the health of our brain. What they look at is brain activity in the different areas of the brain. We don’t all respond in the same way to the trauma, whether it be physical or emotional.

The good news is that thanks to neuro plasticity we can heal our brain. And that made me think of the MKE where we are busy rewriting our subconscious program. Rewiring our thought patterns.

So, I’m now very aware of all the emotional pain that I have gone through, as almost all of it has washed up back into my conscious mind over the last few weeks. On top of that, I used to play both contact and combat sports, both of which did not help the health of my brain at all.

In fear of yet another pity party and out of respect for you the reader, I will not bore you with the detail. All I will say is that I am making progress, as I am now more aware of myself and my thoughts and emotions.

This is part of my challenging journey to a better future. I’m still a little stuck as to what I want that future to look like, as I’m at square one starting all over. That is actually the good news. I am at square one and the rest of the squares are up to me.

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.

In my mother tongue: Uithou! Aanhou! Bekhou!
Loosely translated it means keep on keeping on!

Meet Gerhard Meiring

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