MKE Week 6 – Give More Love

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Category:  Week Six


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Give more get more. That sounds great but what does it really mean?

I find it truly amazing how all these authors are converging on the same topic from different directions. Love is the topic. Not the love that I am used to per se. Love for all mankind.

My mom was so good at loving diversity and some of it wore off on me. I’m not nearly as good as she was but I am getting better every day.

I will great this day with love in my heart. – Og

Give more get more – Haanel

What you give will come back to you as a natural law – Emerson

We are all in this program because we want something more or want something we feel we are missing. If you speak with anyone about their goals in life it will always boil down to love.

Like more time with my family. More time to do things I love. We all run on the treadmill of life to do what we think we need to do to get the money to buy the time to be loved. What if we employed the concept of give more get more?

See, Emerson states that it is a natural law and it always works as all natural laws do. He also states that if you give without any expectation of reciprocity that it will come back to you. Much like a balance beam scale. He also states that it will most likely not come from the channel that you are giving to but it will always happen. The scale must balance.

What if I give more love. I mean truly give without any expectation of reciprocity. Just like Og says:

“In silence and to myself I will address him and say I Love You.”

The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino, Chapter 9

What if I trust God to do what he promises if I love his people. I mean truly love them. Not the ones that are easy to love but the ones that aren’t. All people from all walks of life even if they don’t believe the same ideals as me and even if they don’t deserve it.

I didn’t deserve it when I was strung out on cocaine and dragging His name through the dirt. But He loved me anyway. What if I could show that type of love?

Emerson says that if I do it will come back to me. It’s a law!

Here’s what I’m saying. If I give love freely and abundantly the Universal mind will give me money, time, and freedom to experience the love that I so deeply desire. It will come from places that I do not expect and I will act in ways I do not understand.

I cannot give time, money and attention to gain love. I must give love to gain love.

Give more Get more.

Meet Ken Varilek

I'm Ken, your friendly neighborhood real estate expert with a twist of personality. For the past 10 years, I've been on a mission to redefine what it means to buy or sell a home. Wondering how this journey began? It all started with a genuine love for helping people and a construction background that gave me a unique perspective on houses.

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  • Thank you Ken, this is an awesome reflection of what love really is, and you are so right when you said “always boil down to love”

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