MKE Week 6 – Massive Resistance Means Massive Change, Right?

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Category:  Week Six


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I am genuinely surprised by the level of resistance I’ve faced in Week 6.

Can I stare at a picture for 10 minutes and close my eyes and see it clearly – not yet. Have I done all the promises this week, yes, but not in the time planned and not without a ton of resistance.

There are financial struggles, self-induced struggles and a new rottweiler young dog added to our pack this week.

What I have noticed is every time I want to justify not doing a promise or I want to engage in a pity party, I hear from someone in a genuinely rough place. The Love Scroll came at just the right time, I think. “I will greet this day with love in my heart.” Yes, yes, I will, and Week 7 will be better.

Meet Dana Green

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  • Hi Dana, You are pushing through the resistance. Celebrate submitting your Blog. You are doing great

  • The resistance is real, Dana. However, your consistency can be just as real. Keep going…you can be what you will to be. It takes time so let’s give it time.

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