First, I would like to say thanks to anyone who is taking the time to read this blog and hope that something in it resonates with you. It’s a bit of a longer one for me so hold on!
While this week was not as difficult for me as last week regarding getting things back in motion, and transitioning into a new job, it still had its challenges. I added a Service to my DMP card that related to business and at the start of the week found it difficult to really get into doing it.
It was a very easy thing to do. I put to just talk to 3 people each day. It was nothing about my business or to ask them to buy or try a product, it was just to simply talk to 3 people.
I work from home and rarely am I out and about unless its to go grocery shopping (even then I prefer to order online and pick it up) but decided that this was not something I was going to let get in my way of doing the service that I put on my card.
I decided while I was working from home that I would talk to people online. Just simply asking a friend how her trip was or letting another one know that I plugged his business to a local bar. I found myself thinking of how I wanted to respond and then stepping back and seeing if it was something coming out of love?
I had a few times to change some things up. But I have to say I didn’t mind. It didn’t feel weird or not me at all. It was easy and felt good. I congratulated one on a new job and the other on a promotion, saying both were well deserved and that I was happy to see them growing and flourishing in their careers.
This weekend, we took the family to Rhode Island Comic Con. It’s a huge comic and movie convention. This was challenging because my 10-year-old was very vocal about how tired she was (only after being there for 2 hours) or how hungry she was (we packed snacks, but she didn’t want what we had) or how long she had to wait in lines for autographs (which was no more than 45 minutes).
I found myself breathing a lot and using the Law of Dual Thought and switching the feelings of frustration with the feelings of gratitude and being glad to be at the event and meet the people we did.
I was given a gift that day as well. While waiting in line for one of the actors from my favorite movie, Oliver (2 yrs. old) was acting as a 2-year-old. He didn’t want to sit in his stroller and wanted to go running around. I was towards the end of the line and there were at least 25-30 people ahead of me.
This lovely woman who was assisting and helping with the signing tried to entertain Oliver, but he wasn’t interested lol. She could see that my husband was struggling with him, and she reached out to the actor. She came back and ushered us to the front of the line to get us through faster.
Not only did we get the autograph we paid for, but He also gave Oliver his own autograph and took a picture with him. These were all the things that he was charging money for. I offered to pay for it all, but he was like “come on no, this is a gift from me to him”.
I have always been someone who has had a hard time receiving gifts and someone who gets very uncomfortable, but I felt super humbled and grateful. Of course, I gave a very big Thank You not only to the actor but to the lovely lady as well for making the memory happen.
While Oliver will not know who this guy is for a while, we will always have proof with the picture and autograph as well as a super cool story to tell for years to come.
So, after what seemed like a rough start to the week, ending with being able to start to truly see gifts all around me is amazing.
Bring on Week 7!
Isn’t it wonderful that in MKE while we are doing so much giving of our time, energy, and thought that we’re also learning that the Universe works by the Law of Giving AND Receiving? And then you get to RECEIVE an abundance offered you in the midst of weeks of “extra” giving? Fantastic. I also loved your sharing with our Master Mind your putting the Law of Dual Thought into action: “switching the feelings of frustration with the feelings of gratitude and being glad…” Yay!
You are very welcome, Amy. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog. And what a story at Comic-Con!! We’ve never done Comic-Con but we do Lego Conventions. (I told the tribe this week that we might be soul mates–your poster speaks to me)
Inspiring blog Amy!! Thanks for sharing the details- I could picture the scene at Comic-Con…thrilled that you are applying the skills to your everyday life….applying the Law of Dual Thought to stay in gratitude = you stayed in the flow and the Universe provided. Yay!