Every time the phone rings, or I receive a text, I become a different person. Depending on who it is, I am a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a pastor, or a financial advisor.
Every day, I have many tasks to do, and my list contains tasks that belong to each of these roles. I have prided myself in being able to multi-task, and do whatever is required of me in the moment. This is what the world wants me to think.
I now realize this is not serving me well. I am constantly dividing my thoughts and attention, and this changing of my thoughts and attention all the time is not conducive to doing things well, or efficiently, or in a timely manner.
The Week 6 reading in the Master Key System confirms this:
So with the power of thought; let power be dissipated by scattering the thought from one object to another, and no result is apparent; but focus this power through attention or concentration on any single purpose for any length of time and nothing becomes impossible.
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 6:21
It’s time to take my thoughts and attention captive, and really focus on the desires of my heart, because God put them there. I use the word “captive” because it’s biblical:
We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ.
AMP Bible, 2 Corinthians 10:5
Focusing my thoughts and attention on one thing at a time will require repeated practice, because this is not what I am used to doing. I am not even completely sure how to do this in practice. It will likely involve setting some boundaries around my time.
I just know it’s time to stop the mental gyrations, jumping from thought to thought, and continually dividing my attention.
I am trusting the Holy Spirit to help me with this – focusing on the right thing at the right time. This will involve a renewing of my mind. No surprise there – the Bible also says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2 NIV.
And then nothing will be impossible, because “Nothing will be impossible with God.” – Luke 1:37 ESV. This is mind-blowing for me, and so, so good.
Great post and had similar beliefs before about multitasking.
AMEN. Mind blowing for me too. Nice post.
Great blog Pamela. I especially enjoyed how you have shown how easily it is to be triggered to become a different person. Cheering you on!